Built For Speed | Motorhead | Supertesti.it

Built For Speed

Testo Built For Speed

You know the rules, you all know the game
Try and do whats right
And I swear I can‘t complain
If I die tonight
But I don‘t think its in the stars
For me to go that way
I‘ll be here for a long, long time babe
I‘m here to stay

I was born to rock‘n‘roll, everything I need
I was born with the hammer down
I was built for speed.

Bet your life it ain‘t no easy money
But you won‘t hear me bitch
Spent a long time wrecked and funny
I‘ve got the ten year itch

See me running all around the world
Trying to make some time
A million miles, a million girls
A million real good times


Don‘t you listen to a single word
Against rock‘n‘roll
The new religion, the electric church
The only way to go
I don‘t give a good goddam
My lifes been alright
I‘m gonna crazy out of my mind
Every single night.


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